Visual Art

I believe that in order to understand we must synthesize. In order to understand how things have come to be it helps to force things into being. This somehow relates to the whole vessel thing but I still haven't quite got the link worked out in a linguistic form. That's the hardest part. But anyway, experimentation + manipulation = synthesis. It's silly cuz all that boils down to is: MAKE ART.

Click on these for my art and then make your own too I am begging you, no matter your technical ability. There are 8 billion of us, your art skill means nothing :) please be free! all it takes is the ability to manipulate a form in your viscinity. Good art is a myth and i mean tht in the most sincere and wholesome way that I am able to. Feel free to like specific art. But I bet that I like at least 1 piece of art that you hate. And in that lies freedom. Do something for the sake of doing something.
(insert images or links to images)